The stories all tell of the Savior who cares for the souls of his own.
Never has one been forsaken, never has one been alone.
We could all fill the pages, of the great things God has done.
He's been faithful down through the ages, He is the changeless one.
Unto you which believe he is precious, you who have trusted His word know He's true,
He's answered your prayers, He's met ever need.
He's been everything that he said He would be.
Time and again God's been faithful, unto you which believe.
He performs miracles for his children, He conquered death and the grave.
I am amazed that He suffered, just so that I could be saved.
Ch. Unto you which believe he is precious, you who have trusted His word know He's true,
He's answered your prayers, He's met ever need,
He's been everything that he said He would be.
Time and again God's been faithful, unto you which believe.
Jesus, Jesus how I trust him, how I've proved him ore and ore
Ch. Ch.
Unto you which believe he is precious, you who have trusted His word know He's true,
He's answered your prayers, He's met ever need,
He's been everything that he said He would be.
Time and again God's been faithful, unto you which believe.