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Album: Vessel of Song: the Music of Mikhl Gelbart
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"Boys and Girls Medley; A) Dray Yingelelekh (Three Little Boys)"
by The Lori Cahan-Simon EnsembleAlbum: Vessel of Song: the Music of Mikhl Gelbart
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Vessel of Song: the Music of Mikhl Gelbart
Artist: The Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble- Urim Burim: a Purim Lidl (A Purim Song)
- A Gut Yontev Yidn (Good Purim to Us)
- Treyst, Mayn Folk (Comfort My People)
- Moyde Ani (I Give Thanks)
- Boys and Girls Medley; A) Dray Yingelelekh (Three Little Boys)
- Kumt Ale in Shul (Everybody Come to School)
- Muzikantn (Musicians)
- In Shul Arayn (Going to School)
- Khad Gadyo (One Kid)
- Chanukah Medley: Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl (I Am a Little Dreydl)
- Shabes (Sabbath)
- Milkhome (War)
- A Viglid (Shteyt in Feld a Beymele) a Lullabye
- In An Orem Shtibele (In a Poor Little House)
- A Maysele (In Himl Shvimt a Volkndl) a Little Story
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