Thunder fills the skies
Heaven is falling down
Thunder fills the skies
Heaven is falling down
Let Your glory fall
In Your presence I fear nothing at all
And in that place I hear Your call
Telling me I was worth all the pain
All the pain and suffering
What can wash away my sins'
Nothing but the blood
What can make me whole again'
Nothing but the blood
Let Your Kingdom come
Father forgive them
For they know not what they do
Darkness filled the skies
And the veil was torn in two
Thunder fills the skies
Heaven is falling down
Thunder fills the skies
Heaven is falling down
In Your presence I fear nothing at all
And in that place I hear Your call
Telling me I was worth all the pain
All the pain and suffering
What can wash away my sins'
Nothing but the blood
What can make me whole again'
Nothing but the blood
Let Your glory fall