When the gentle pull of outside gravity tries to pull me off course
I'll extend my hand to You
When the beating drums of resistance tiptoe into my ear
I'll close up my heart
I want to stand like a pillar in cement when everyone else is wavering
They're believing the newest fancies and fads
I want to put my every day into standing for Your awesome name
Even when they may look down on where I'm up with You
Even if I'm all alone
Even if it's just me
Even if I have to be lonely, lonely
Give me the strength to do what is the right thing to do
Even though it may make me look like a fool
It may make them talk about my world
At least they're noticing that...
I want to stand even if I have to be lonely, lonely
What does it seem to be'
I'm alone with You, alone with You
So am I really lonely'