"A Mercy of Peace, No. 12"
by The Domestik Municipal Choir of EkaterinburgAlbum: Chants of the Russian Emigres, Vol. 5
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Chants of the Russian Emigres, Vol. 5
Artist: The Domestik Municipal Choir of Ekaterinburg- O Come Let Us Worship
- Dogmatikon, Tone 5
- O Gentle Light
- Lord, Now Lettest Thou
- Rejoice, O Virgin in D Minor
- Troparion to the New Martyrs of Russia, Tone 4
- Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
- Great Doxology
- From the Rising of the Sun (Greeting of a Bishop)
- It Is Truly Meet
- Go Up Mount Zion
- The Beatitudes
- Cherubic Hymn
- The Creed
- A Mercy of Peace, No. 12
- It Is Truly Meet, No. 2
- And for All Mankind
- Lord
- Paschal Stichera
- Greeting of the Groom:
- Greeting of the Bride:
- Glory to Thee, Our God
- The Prokeimenon
- Rejoice, O Isaiah
- Many Years