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![Challenged!, Vol. 2 Album Artwork](
Challenged!, Vol. 2
Artist: The Bible in Living Sound- Manna In the Desert
- Amalekites Battle Israel
- The Ten Commandments
- Israel's Civil Laws
- Plans For A Tabernacle
- The Golden Calf
- Moses On Mount Sinai
- Israel Builds A Tabernacle
- Aaron Consecrated To God
- Offering Strange Fire
- Feasting On Quails
- Seventy Elders Selected
- Aaron and Miriam Complain
- Caleb and Joshua Sent As Spies
- Koran, Dathan and Abiram Rebel
- Aaron's Staff Blossoms
- Moses Strikes the Rock
- A Farewell to Aaron
- Israel Plagued By Serpents
- A Donkey Talks to Balaam
- Five Girls Ask For Justice
- Joshua, Israel's New Leader
- Two Spies In Jericho
- Israel Crosses the Jordan
- A Captain Instructs Joshua
- The Fall of Jericho
- Achan's Buried Sin
- The Gibeonites Deceive Joshua
- Joshua Commands the Sun
- Joshua's Last Days
- Cities of Refuge
- Deborah and Barak
- Jephthah's Daughter
- Gideon and the Angel
- Gideon's Wet-Dry Fleece
- Gideon's Victory
- Samson's Birth Foretold
- Samson and the Foxes
- Samson Destroys 3000 Philistines
- Ruth and Naomi
- Ruth, the Gleaner
- Ruth Marries Boaz
- Samuel and Eli
- The Lord Calls Samuel
- The Ark of God Captured
- Israel Desires a King
- Saul Selected King
- Saul Anointed
- Saul Defeats the Ammonites
- Saul Is Impatient
- Jonathan and the Philistines
- Jonathan Eats Forbidden Food
- Saul and the Amalekites
- David Anointed By Samuel
- David and Goliath
- David Marries Saul's Daughter
- David Escapes Saul's Soldiers
- Jonathan Warns David
- David Flees From Saul
- In the Cave of Adullam