Before the first word spoken; before the light was born
You were, You were
Before the waters shifted; before the earth was formed
You were, You were
Nothing here can be without You
Everything is wrecked apart from You
Maker, Creator, my Savior, sustainer
You are greater, You are greater
All glory and honor, wisdom and power
You are greater, You are greater God
After all my failures / In the middle of my shame
You are, You are
In the moment of my suffering / Who will be my strength
You are, You are
I am nothing here without You
All of me is wrecked apart from You
Maker, Creator, my Savior, sustainer
You are greater, You are greater
All glory and honor, wisdom and power
You are greater, You are greater God
You were, You are, and You will always be (x8)
Maker, Creator, my Savior, sustainer
You are greater, You are greater
All glory and honor, wisdom and power
You are greater, You are greater God