"The Bells of Three Hierarchs Chapel, Saint Vladimir?s Seminary"
by St Vladimir's Seminary ChoraleAlbum: Vigil Selections from the All-Night Vigil of the O
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
Vigil Selections from the All-Night Vigil of the O
Artist: St Vladimir's Seminary Chorale- Service Opening, Come, Let Us Worship
- Psalm 104, Bless the Lord
- The Great Litany
- First Kathisma, Blessed Is the Man (Kievan Chant)
- Psalm 140, Lord, I Call (Tone 2)
- Dogmatikon, the Shadow of the Law (Tone 2)
- Evening Processional, Gladsome Light
- Saturday Vespers Prokeimenon, the Lord Is King
- Evening Troparia, Vouchsafe, O Lord
- Litiya, Today Let the Heavens
- Aposticha, Rejoice, O Trinity of Faithful Priests
- St Symeon?s Prayer, Lord, Now Lettest
- Theotokion, Rejoice, O Virgin
- Polyeleos, Praise the Name of the Lord
- Magnification, We Magnify You
- Resurrectional Evlogitaria, Blessed Art Thou, O Lord
- Song of Ascent, from My Youth
- Matins Prokeimenon, Arise, O God and Let Everything That Breathes
- Hymn of the Resurrection, Having Beheld the Resurrection
- Resurrectional Canon Ode 1, ?in Days of Old? and ?we Praise, Bless?
- Magnificat, My Soul Magnifies the Lord
- Resurrectional Canon Ode 9, the Son of the Eternal Father
- Exapostilarion, Now Let Us Proclaim
- Resurrectional Theotokion of the Praises, You Are Most Blessed
- Great Doxology, Glory to God in the Highest
- Resurrectional Matins Troparion, Today Salvation Has Come
- Augmented Litany, Monastery Chant
- After the Dismissal, Lord, Have Mercy
- The Bells of Three Hierarchs Chapel, Saint Vladimir?s Seminary