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Album: Orthodox Hymns of Christmas
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"The Nativity Kanon, Odes 1,3,6"
by St Vladimir's Liturgical ChoraleAlbum: Orthodox Hymns of Christmas
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Album Tracks
Orthodox Hymns of Christmas
Artist: St Vladimir's Liturgical Chorale- House of Ephratha, Valaam Chant
- Lord I Call Upon Thee, Tone 2 Kievan Chant
- God Is With Us (Znamenny Chant)
- Festal Troparion - Thy Nativity O Christ Our God (Serbian)
- Festal Kontakion - Today the Virgin Gives Birth
- Prayer of St. Symeon
- Praise the Name of the Lord
- The Magnification (Bakhmetev), Ps 66:1
- From My Youth
- Festal Prokeimenon-Out of the Womb Before the Morning Star
- Glory to God in the Highest
- The Nativity Kanon, Odes 1,3,6
- Hymn to the Theotokos-Magnify O My Soul (Romanian)
- Festal Kontakion - Today the Virgin Gives Birth (in Slavonic)
- Colinda (in Romanian, a Carol)
- Heaven and Earth (in Russian, a Carol)
- Christ Is Born Today (in Greek, a Carol)
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