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Album: Orthodox Two Part Music: The Divine Liturgy
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"Troparion for the Cross - Znamenny Chant"
by St. Tikhon's Monastery ChoirAlbum: Orthodox Two Part Music: The Divine Liturgy
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Orthodox Two Part Music: The Divine Liturgy
Artist: St. Tikhon's Monastery Choir- Great Litany - Znamenny Chant
- Bless the Lord - Tikhonovsky Chant
- Psalm 135 - Tikhonovsky Chant
- Only-Begotten Son - Kieven Chant
- Beatitudes - Znamenny Chant
- Come Let Us Worship - Valaam Chant
- Troparion for the Cross - Znamenny Chant
- Troparion for St Tikhon of Zadonsk - Valaam Chant
- Holy God - Byzantine Melody
- Prokeimenon, Tone 8 - Znamenny Chant
- Alleluia, Tone 8 - Znamenny Chant
- Litanies After the Gospel - Znamenny Chant
- Cherubic Hymn, Tone 7 - Znamenny Chant
- Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Znamenny Chant
- The Creed - Psalm Tone
- Anaphora - Tikhonovsky Chant
- It Is Truly Meet - Znamenny Chant
- And All Mankind - Greek Chant Variant
- Our Father - Bulgarian Chant
- After Our Father and One Is Holy - Znamenny Chant
- Sunday Communion Hymn
- Monday Communion Hymm, Tone 7 - Znamenny Chant
- Tuesday Communion Hymm - Glagolev
- Wednesday Communion Hymm - Special Melody "I Will Receive"
- Wednesday Communion Hymm - Special Melody
- Thursday Communion Hymn - Moscow Melody
- Friday Communion Hymn - Special Melody "Thou Hast Wrought Salvation"
- Friday Communion Hymn - Special Melody
- Blessed Is He, Tone 4 - Znamenny Chant
- Receive the Body - Znamenny Chant
- Liturgy Ending - Kedrov Sr. Simplified
- Blessed Be the Name - Znamenny - After Gardner
- Many Years - Folk Melodies
- Anaphora - Carpatho-Russian Chant
- It Is Truly Meet, Tone 1 - Special Melody "Joy of the Heavenly Ranks"
- It Is Truly Meet, Tone 1 - Special Melody
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