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Album: Hymns of the Nativity of Christ
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"Praises Doxastikha (Stikhera Tones 6 and 2) [Kievan Chant]"
by St. Symeon Orthodox Church ChoirAlbum: Hymns of the Nativity of Christ
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Album Tracks
Hymns of the Nativity of Christ
Artist: St. Symeon Orthodox Church Choir- O Ye Angelic Hosts (Stikhera Tone 6) [Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Chant]
- Hymns of the Prefeast (Tone 4 and Byzantine Tone 3) [Today the Virgin]
- God Is With Us
- Apostikha Hymns (Stikhera Tones 2 and 3) [Kievan Chant] [after B. Ledkovsky]
- Apostikha Doxastikhon (Tone 4) [Byzantine Chant]
- Verses Before the Six Psalms (after J. Von Gardner)
- Great Litany
- God is the Lord; Troparion of Nativity (Tone 4) [Obikhod]
- Kathisma Hymns (Tone 4) [Byzantine Chant] [Joseph was Amazed]
- Magnification of Nativity (Obikhod)
- Sessional Hymn After the Polyeleos; From My Youth (Troparion Tone 4) [Kievo-Pechersk Lavra Chant] [V
- Nativity Matins Prokeimenon (Tone 4)
- Post-Gospel Verses (Stikhera Tones 2 and 6) [ Znamenny Chant]
- Post-Gospel Stikheron (Glory to God in the Highest) [Znamenny Chant]
- Canon: Odes 1
- The Hypakoe (Troparion Tone 8) [Russian "Greek" Chant]
- Sessional Hymn After Ode 3 (Tone 8) [Byzantine Chant] [When the Bodiless One]
- Canon: Odes 4, 5,
- Kontakion and Ikos of Nativity
- Canon: Odes 7
- Canon: Ode 9 (Tone 1) [Romanian Chant]
- Irmos of the 2nd Canon, Ode 9 (Tone 1) [Russian "Greek" Chant]
- Exapostilarion of Nativity
- Praises Doxastikha (Stikhera Tones 6 and 2) [Kievan Chant]
- Great Doxology (After Stikhera Tone 6) [Having Placed All Their Hope] [Optina Hermitage Chant]
- Troparion of Nativity (Tone 4) [Alaskan Variation]
- The Lord Has Sent Redemption (Ukrainian) [17th century]
- Heaven and Earth (Carpatho-Russian Carol)
- There Was Great Rejoicing (Carpatho-Russian Carol)
- Eternal God; On This Bright Day (Carpartho-Russian Carol)
- Troparion of Theophany (Tone 1) [Znamenny Chant]
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