"Good Christian Friends, Rejoice"
by St. Olaf Choral EnsemblesAlbum: Where Peace and Love and Hope Abide
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Where Peace and Love and Hope Abide
Artist: St. Olaf Choral Ensembles- Messiah, Prince of Peace (Trinity Canticles)
- The Apostles, Op. 49: Prologue
- Narration
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
- Messiah, HWV 56: Part One, For Unto Us a Child is Born
- Alpha to Omega
- Entrance Scene: Lord Hosanna (Advent Motet)
- St. Paul, Op. 36: Part Two, How Lovely Are the Messengers
- Gloria
- Noel!
- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
- Gospel (Luke 2:1-20), In Terra Pax (Excerpt)
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Before the Marvel of This Night
- Balulalow
- In Thee is Gladness
- The Song of Peace
- Ding, Dong! Merrily on High
- This Christmastide (Jessye
- Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
- Glories Ring
- Lullaby on Christmas Eve
- King David: Part Three, The Death of David
- Lord of All Hopefulness
- Nunc Dimittis
- Beautiful Savior