Walls please help me.
Walls are censors. They cover up what should never be revealed. (But they are always around with your girlfriend on the couch). With your magazine in hand doing the unthinkable. (Put down your fist of anger. You're too intoxicated to know she didn't do it).
Just ask the walls they have eyes. They will tell you the truth. (Listen to this their final message, You will die inside if you don't change.) With your hands of evil, who will stop you now' This is right where they want us. Someone please come let us out. (We all choose to save ourselves but there is noting left inside to save). Someone please come help me. Someone please come let me out. Fists against the walls. Someone please come let me out.
Help me. The walls. Help me. The one controlling the walls, help me. At the sound of the siren. Help me, or this is where we part ways.
This is right where they want us. Walls pretend you didn't hear us. Just raise your fists you masochist. I swear you'll never end this. I swear to God this has to stop. Just open up or get out. Get out.
This is where we need to be, in each other's arms. This is where we should have stayed, in God's arms. (Stayed).
This is me. This what I have become. After all I've done, how can you still love me'
Son you have sinned but I still love you. I swear I do and I always will.