God always has a plan
Like when He used a man
To show the people what faith was for
David knew it from the start
God was dealing with his heart
An opportunity was knocking at his door
Now he's the reason why we say
And use that old clich?
The bigger they come the harder they fall
'Cause with only five rocks
And a little slingshot
Goliath wasn't so big after all
Stand up, stand up
You don't have to be afraid
He will give you courage
He will give you strength
Put your faith in God
And I promise if you do
He will make a Bible story out of you
Daniel didn't give up when
They threw him in the den
Of lions that had quite an appetite
The king woke up and found
God had sent an angel down
To turn those lions into cats that couldn't bit
And everybody knows how the story goes
A man was called to set His people free
Underneath the desert sun
With nowhere left to run
That's when Moses parted the sea
You don't have to be perfect
God can use you wherever you are
All it takes is a little faith
And a willing heart