Album Tracks
Harbor of My Soul
Artist: Sally Deford
  1. Be Thou My Vision (feat. James Loynes)
  2. Be Thou My Vision
  3. Cast Your Burden on the Lord (feat. Heather Prusse)
  4. Cast Your Burden on the Lord
  5. The Prodigal (feat. James Loynes)
  6. The Prodigal
  7. Peace, Peace, Be Still (feat. Rebecca Lord)
  8. Peace, Peace, Be Still
  9. This Is How I Know (feat. Heather Prusse)
  10. This Is How I Know
  11. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief / Have I Done Any Good? (Piano Solo)
  12. Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love (feat. James Loynes)
  13. Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love
  14. I Glory in My Jesus (feat. Heather Prusse)
  15. I Glory in My Jesus
  16. His Tears Were Mine (feat. James Loynes)
  17. His Tears Were Mine
  18. The Master
  19. The Master's Voice
  20. To Those Who Came Before Me (feat. James Loynes)
  21. To Those Who Came Before Me
  22. Bless This Land (feat. Annabelle Smith)
  23. Bless This Land
  24. Built Upon the Rock (feat. James Loynes)
  25. Built Upon the Rock
  26. Be Thou My Vision (High Voice Accompaniment Track)
  27. Cast Your Burden on the Lord (Accompaniment Track)
  28. The Prodigal (Accompaniment Track)
  29. This Is How I Know (Accompaniment Track)
  30. His Tears Were Mine (Accompaniment Track)
  31. The Master's Voice (High Voice Accompaniment Track)
  32. To Those Who Came Before Me (Accompaniment Track)
  33. Built Upon the Rock (Accompaniment Track)
  34. Be Thou My Vision (High Voice Piano Track)
  35. Cast Your Burden on the Lord (Piano Track)
  36. The Prodigal (Piano Track)
  37. Peace, Peace, Be Still (Piano Track)
  38. This Is How I Know (High Voice Piano Track)
  39. Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love (Piano Track)
  40. I Glory in My Jesus (High Voice Piano Track)
  41. His Tears Were Mine (Piano Track)
  42. To Those Who Came Before Me (Piano Track)
  43. Bless This Land (Piano Track)
  44. Built Upon the Rock (Piano Track)
Song Lyrics

"Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love (feat. James Loynes)"

by Sally Deford
Album: Harbor of My Soul

Lyrics is not yet available.

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Harbor of My Soul
Artist: Sally Deford
  1. Be Thou My Vision (feat. James Loynes)
  2. Be Thou My Vision
  3. Cast Your Burden on the Lord (feat. Heather Prusse)
  4. Cast Your Burden on the Lord
  5. The Prodigal (feat. James Loynes)
  6. The Prodigal
  7. Peace, Peace, Be Still (feat. Rebecca Lord)
  8. Peace, Peace, Be Still
  9. This Is How I Know (feat. Heather Prusse)
  10. This Is How I Know
  11. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief / Have I Done Any Good? (Piano Solo)
  12. Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love (feat. James Loynes)
  13. Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love
  14. I Glory in My Jesus (feat. Heather Prusse)
  15. I Glory in My Jesus
  16. His Tears Were Mine (feat. James Loynes)
  17. His Tears Were Mine
  18. The Master
  19. The Master's Voice
  20. To Those Who Came Before Me (feat. James Loynes)
  21. To Those Who Came Before Me
  22. Bless This Land (feat. Annabelle Smith)
  23. Bless This Land
  24. Built Upon the Rock (feat. James Loynes)
  25. Built Upon the Rock
  26. Be Thou My Vision (High Voice Accompaniment Track)
  27. Cast Your Burden on the Lord (Accompaniment Track)
  28. The Prodigal (Accompaniment Track)
  29. This Is How I Know (Accompaniment Track)
  30. His Tears Were Mine (Accompaniment Track)
  31. The Master's Voice (High Voice Accompaniment Track)
  32. To Those Who Came Before Me (Accompaniment Track)
  33. Built Upon the Rock (Accompaniment Track)
  34. Be Thou My Vision (High Voice Piano Track)
  35. Cast Your Burden on the Lord (Piano Track)
  36. The Prodigal (Piano Track)
  37. Peace, Peace, Be Still (Piano Track)
  38. This Is How I Know (High Voice Piano Track)
  39. Abide in Me, Oh Lord of Love (Piano Track)
  40. I Glory in My Jesus (High Voice Piano Track)
  41. His Tears Were Mine (Piano Track)
  42. To Those Who Came Before Me (Piano Track)
  43. Bless This Land (Piano Track)
  44. Built Upon the Rock (Piano Track)
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