For You have set my feet this race to run
And placed my prize before the sett-ing sun
I want to say
That I will not, turn back
I want t-o s-ay
I will not, turn back
Oh God of Israel whose love endures
You exalt the humble heart and You lift the poor
I want to s-ay
That I will not, turn back
I want t-o s-ay
I will not, turn back
F-or m-y L-ord, You sl-umber not
(My Lord does not sleep)
And n-either d-oes He sleep
(I-I will trust in You)
I-I have p-ut, my trust in Him
(He will guard my feet)
He will guard, my f-eet
And if You take me to the wilderness
Or if the desert, is my dwelling place
I want t-o say
That I will not turn back
I want t-o s-ay
I will not, turn back
Or if I stumble and my strength is low
Then my Deliverer rest-ores my soul
I want t-o s-ay
That I will not turn back
I'm goin' all th-e way
Oh I will not, turn back
F-or m-y L-ord, He slumbers not
(My Lord does not sleep)
And n-either, neither does He sleep
(I-I will trust in You)
I-I have put, put my trust in Him
(He will guard my feet)
Oh Lord, You will guard, my f-eet