Great are Your ways
Great are Your works
Great are You, Lord, in all the earth
Great is Your pow'r
Great is Your strength
Great are You, Lord, and greatly to be praised!
Your greatness
Your famous Name
is exalted in all the earth!
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory to the God of Israel
Glory, glory, hallelujah
All the earth will see that You're a Great God!
We won't stop 'til the whole world knows
We won't stop 'til the whole world knows
We won't stop 'til the whole world knows
That You're a Great God, Great God
Woah, oh!
That You're a Great God, Great God
Woah, oh!
Ending Chorus
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory to the God of Israel
Glory, glory, hallelujah
And all the earth will see that You're a Great God!
Great God, Great God, Great God
Great God, Great God, Great God!