I don't know why we treat this life
like a creation of our own design
Pretending everything is under control
when actually, we're running blind
I hear that we're the highest form of life
in all the universe
That's pretty easy to say
as long as you don't check it out first
And it's only a modern myth
It's nothin' but a pack of lies
And we wind up lookin' like a bunch of clowns
by thinking that we're wise
And there's always gonna be some guy
tryin' to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge
Don't be a chump. Come on, wake up.
Remember this: it's just a modern myth
I hear that people are basically good
and everything will turn out okay
I guess that fellas like Adolf Hitler
just must have had a real bad day
Now you can choose to disagree
but one thing is very clear
We'd all be pretty depressed
if we got to heaven and it was just like here
(repeat chorus)
I hear it said that the Lord is dead
and faith is only a crutch of the weak
That must sound odd to the ears of
God, Who's given us the tongues to speak
Now you can make up fairy tales
until your face is blue
But that won't alter the simple fact
that what is true is true
(repeat chorus)