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Album Tracks
Artist: Psallos- "Write to Rome..." (A Writing Prelude)
- Paul, (1?:?1?-?15)
- I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel (1:16-17)
- Where to Begin... (Violin-Terlude 1)
- No Excuse (1?:?18?-?3?:?20)
- He Came to Die (3?:?21?-?31)
- The Story of Abraham (4?:?1?-?25)
- A Sure Hope, pt. 1 (5?:?1?-?11)
- The Second Adam (5?:?12?-?21)
- What Shall We Say, pt. 1 (6?:?1?-?23)
- What Shall We Say, pt. 2 (7?:?1?-?25)
- The Spirit of Life (8?:?1?-?17)
- Glory to Come (8?:?18?-?30)
- A Sure Hope, pt. 2 (8?:?31?-?39)
- Lamentation (9:1-5)
- The Story of Israel and Her Sovereign (9?:?6?-?13)
- What Shall We Say, pt. 3 (9?:?14?-?29)
- That
- That's What We Say (Violin?-?terlude 2)
- No Shame (9:30-11:32)
- O the Depth! (11:33-36)
- Lay Down Your Life (12:1-15:13)
- Koinonia (A
- So Long (15:14-16:27)
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