There ain't nobody asks to be born
There ain't nobody wishes to die
Everybody whiles away the interim time
Sworn to rise from the ruins by and by
The engines are droning with progress
The pistons are pounding out time
And it's you and me caught
in this juggernaut jaunt
Left to rise from the ruins down the line
We will roll like an old Chevrolet
The road to ruin is something to see
Hang on to the wheel
for the highway to hell
Needs chauffeurs for the powers that be
Go and tell all your friends and relations
Go and say what ain't easy to say
Go and give them some hope that we might rock this boat
And rise from the ruins one fine day
Did'ja ever try to carry water in a basket
Did'ja ever try to carry tire in your hand
Did'ja ever try to take on the weight of the everyday freight
Til you find that you're too weak to stand
Why so pale and wan, fond lover
Why so downcast and desperately sad
We can walk, we can talk,
we ain't yet pillars of salt
And we will rise from the ruins while we can
We will rise from the ruins while we can