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Limerick the Leprechaun
Artist: Patch the Pirate- The Lord's My Shepherd
- Sailing for Ireland (Dialog)
- Whiners
- Limerick Recruits Blarney (Dialog)
- Me, Me, Me
- Patch and Crew Arrive At the Emerald Isle (Dialog)
- Don't Be Sheepish
- Time for a Delicious Dinner (Dialog)
- Irish Potatoes
- Patrick Faces a Boring Two Weeks (Dialog)
- Bow the Knee
- The Leprechaun Weaves a Web of Deception (Dialog)
- Ninety and Nine
- Grandfather Risks His Life for Patrick (Dialog)
- Walkin' Through the Fire
- Patrick Is Pointed to the Good Shepherd (Dialog)
- Sign Me Up
- I Can Get Along Without My Sheepdog! (Dialog)
- Blarney
- Disaster At the Top of Kilkenny Cliff (Dialog)
- Hear My Cry
- Grandfather Climbs the Mountain (Dialog)
- Shine God's Word
- The Lost Sheep Is Found (Dialog)
- I Just Wanna Be a Sheep