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Album Tracks
Supernatural Encounter
Artist: New Wine- Holy God Of Israel (Live)
- Spiritual Motion (Live)
- God Never Ceases To Amaze Me (Live)
- Celebrating Our King (Live)
- Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Live)
- The Lord Is Good (Live)
- The King Of Glory (Live)
- Relevation Glory (Live)
- The Glory Movement (Live)
- Jesus Died and He Rose Again (Live)
- Yes My Jesus Is Alive (Live)
- Let Your Kingdom Come (Live)
- Sovereign God (Live)
- Glory to the Lamb (Live)
- My Soul Longs for You (Live)
- To the One Who Is Holy (Live)
- Lion and the Lamb (Live)
- Clothed in Majesty (Live)
- Lord of Hosts (Live)
- Holy Is the Lord (Live)
- Face to Face (Live)
- I Love Your Presence (Live)
- A Supernatural Encounter (Live)
- When I Stand Before Your Presence (Live)
- Spontaneous Worship (Live)
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