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Jesus Christ: Easter Glory
Artist: Nathan R. Bradford- Jesus Christ: Easter Glory (Opening Theme)
- First Encounter
- Sunday: Triumphal Entry
- Monday: Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- Tuesday: Signs of the Times / Ten Virgins / Judas Plots to Betray Jesus
- Thursday: The Upper Room / Take, Eat, Drink
- Gethsemane / Could Ye Not Watch? / The Kiss / Cutting of the Ear
- Peter?s Denial
- Judas? death
- Friday: On Trial / What Is Truth?
- The Scourging / Behold Your King / Crucify Him!
- Carrying the Cross / Nailing of the Palms and Feet / Forgive Them Father
- Burial (Hymn)
- Saturday (Preaching in the Spirit World)
- Sunday: The Early Morn / The Tomb Is Empty / Angels in Bright Garments
- Running Together / Why Are You Weeping? / Tell Me Where Thou Hast Laid Him / Jesus Appears to Mary
- Reuniting with the Father
- Did Not Our Heart Burn Within Us?
- Peace Be Unto You / Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen
- Cast the Net on the Right Hand Side / Peter Do You Love Me?