I think I fell in love with you just a moment ago,
But how can I be sure unless the stars tell me so.
No need to give me details on what you're all about,
Cause when I know our sign I'll have you all figured out.
Whachersign. Whachersign.
If you'll be mine, tell me whachersign.
If you're a Pisces or a Libra this is where it all ends.
Or if you're ruled by Mercury I'm afraid we can't be friends.
What a shame if we're not compatible,
Cause I like you so much.
To think we might miss true love by a week or a month.
Whachersign, Whachersign.
It would be so fine to know, Whachersign.
Are you Aquarius or Capricorn'
Or Hospital Zone - Please Don't Blow Your Horn'
The stars say you should like me a lot.
I can't understand why you do not.
But if you ever change your mind,
Please hurry up and say the word.
Before Saturn in my second house,
Squares Pluto in my third.
But when Jupiter goes retrograde,
And falls out of the sky,
And lands inside my seventh house,
I'm gonna be a better guy.
Whachersign, Whachersign
Whachersign, Tell me whachersign.