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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

A Very Maverick Christmas
Artist: Maverick City Music- Opening Prayer / We
- Opening Prayer / We've Come to Adore You (feat. Naomi Raine, Todd Galberth
- Joy to the World / Joy of the Lord (feat. Naomi Raine, Todd Galberth
- Away in a Manger / Worthy is Your Name (feat. Kim Walker-Smith, Chandler Moore
- Go Tell It on the Mountain (feat. Melvin Crispell III, Chandler Moore
- Gonna Tell Somebody (Spontaneous) (feat. Melvin Crispell III, Isaac Carree, Lizzie Morgan
- Gonna Tell Somebody (Spontaneous) (feat. Melvin Crispell III, Isaac Carree, Lizzie Morgan, Chandler
- Mary Did You Know? (feat. Chandler Moore, Lizzie Morgan
- Forever and Ever Amen (feat. Brandon Lake, Phil Wickham
- Silent Night / Jesus We Love You (feat. Brandon Lake, Phil Wickham, Kim Walker-Smith
- King of Kings / Angels We Have Heard on High (feat. Naomi Raine, Kim Walker-Smith
- Revelation 19: 1 (feat. Naomi Raine
- Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (feat. Ryan Ofei, Tianna Horsey
- Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (feat. Ryan Ofei, Tianna
- Gratitude / Worthy of it All / You?re Worthy of My Praise (feat. Brandon Lake, Natalie Grant
- Best Part (feat. Naomi Raine, Chandler Moore
- Here I Am to Worship (More Than Life) [feat. Ryan Ofei
- Noel (feat. Lizzie Morgan
- O Holy Night (feat. Melvin Crispell III