Ex 20:1-6, Ezek 16:1-35, Matt 5:13-16, Matt 16:24, Matt 28:19-20, John 14:15, Rom
10:14-17, 2 Cor 2:14-16, Eph 5:23, 30, Col 1:18, 1 Pet 2:9, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev 3:16
Hello, my bride, how are you doing'
It's been a while cause You've been busy
Idols have turned your heart from me
Oh my hands and feet
My love, how can it be'
Body of Christ, more like a whore
You love this world and you call me Lord
I shed my blood for your sins
The ones you're living in
When are you gonna repent'
Do you still love me
Yeah cause it don't really show
Oh, where is your heart'
You say that you're set apart
If you really love me
Where is the difference'
Light of the world, why aren't you shining'
Salt of the earth, have you become tasteless'
Fragrance of Mine, in the world
But not of the world
No you're not of this world
Oh, where is the light'
The hope you are hoarding inside
If you really love me
Where is the difference'
If you love me, keep my commands
If you follow me, deny yourself
If you love this world, then you don't love me
If you are lukewarm, then you make me sick
If you don't speak, how will they know'
If you don't preach, how will they believe'
If you don't go, how will they call my name'
Oh I long for them to call my name
But you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go
Yeah it's up to you now, it's up to you
Oh my hands and feet yeah it's up to you
The victory's sure but I've chosen you now
So go into all the earth
Declaring the Father's love
If you really love me
Why don't you share it'
Where is the difference'
Where is the difference'
Is there a difference'
Your Kingdom Come
Artist: Matt Papa- Hallelujah Our God Reigns
- Hallelujah, Our God Reigns
- So Come Reign
- So Come Reign...
- Your Kingdom Come
- Open Hands
- To The Least of These
- Seek It First
- Here Am I, Send Me
- Here Am I Send Me
- Seek Ye First
- Trinity
- God of Grace
- You Can Do Anything
- Hymn in C
- Alive
- Where Is The Difference
- Sleepers Awake
- Woe To You
- Prepare The Way
- Every Knee Will Bow
- Here It Comes
- We Will Shine
- Every Knee
- No One Else
- 117
- I Will Trust In You My God Hymn In A
- Digital Booklet: Your Kingdom Come