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Complete New English Hymnal Vol. 2
Artist: Marlborough College Chapel Choir- Morning Has Broken
- Spouse of Christ, Whose Earthly Conflict
- Happy Are They, They That Love God
- And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love
- In Christ There Is No East or West
- Were You There?
- Silent Night
- Be Thou My Guardian
- Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
- At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing
- Ye Servants of the Lord
- Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem
- At the Name of Jesus
- The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
- To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise
- Father, In Whom Thy Saints Are One
- Father of Mercy, God of Consolation
- My God, How Wonderful Thou Art
- In the Cross of Christ I Glory
- Behold the Great Creator Makes
- To the Name That Brings Salvation
- Lord, As I Wake I Turn to You
- Christ Is the King, O Friends Rejoice!
- Thine for Ever! God of Love
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King