I was alone
And without love
Hope was fading fast
Slipping right on past T
hen by some grand design.
She came along
And heard my song
And sang the harmony
She was right on key
And she was right on time.
And now, I'm hers, she is mine
We sing together now
She knows the words somehow
And I love her true
And we sing "The Tune".
Love is a song from Heaven
She is the love that I've been given
I was alone
I wasn't sure
She reached out to me
And she helped me see
That I still had a chance
I still had a chance
To open up
To come alive
And to love again
It was only then
That I joined in the dance - Oh-oh!
And I am hers, she is mine
We sing together now
She knows the words somehow
And I love her true
And we sing "The Tune".
(Thank you... Sometimes you think you're in love with somebody and a, like remember when you were in school and you fall in love with somebody and it's, it's true love and then a week later it's gone. Well, sometimes that happens when you get older too, but it last longer than a week. When, when you young, sometimes like two or three people at the same time, you know, I mean, I think you'll remember if you're a girl you'll remember writing down the names in the order of preference.. yeah! And about five minutes later you thought, no that's wrong and you rearrange the order. Well that's not what I mean by lasting love. Like to sing a song about love that does not last. At some point you have to get over your feelings for your third grade sweetheart or your girlfriend who left you for another guy. This world we live in is a very difficult passage for everyone. Some people have good lives or sweet lives and their lives are very difficult too. No one has such an easy life that they don't see the problems of living that perhaps only a God could solve. And this causes many people to search for a God and to call out to Him and He is there.)