"O God, Forsake Me Not! SHZ 358"
by Laestadian Lutheran ChurchAlbum: Hear and Bless Our Prayers and Praises
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Hear and Bless Our Prayers and Praises
Artist: Laestadian Lutheran Church- Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word SHZ 162b
- Jesus? Holy Congregation SHZ 199
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God SHZ 181
- Dearest Jesus, On Golgotha SHZ 311a
- Lord, At Thy Blessed Mercy Seat SHZ 316
- The Cross May Be a Burden SHZ 355
- O God, Forsake Me Not! SHZ 358
- None Can Compare, Dear Jesus SHZ 293a
- Jesus, Priceless Treasure SHZ 312
- Jesus Is My Friend Most Precious SHZ 281
- Jesus, Lead Our Way SHZ 390
- My Everlasting Friend I Long to See SHZ 546
- There Many Shall Come SHZ 405a
- O Jesus, Keep Our Children SHZ 428
- O Living Bread from Heaven SHZ 239
- Oh, If of Jesus I Could Sing SHZ 347