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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Hammond Organ Concert Crusade Style
Artist: Ken Harris- Goodbye World Goodbye / Meeting in the Air (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn
- Higher Ground (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn
- Welcome (Live) [feat. Ken Harris]
- Come Holy Spirit / His Name Is Wonderful (Live) [feat. Chresten Tomlin]
- Intro to First Song (Live)
- Where Could I Go (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn, Charlie Blake, Alex Lynn
- Blessed Assurance (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn
- Glory to His Name (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn, Charlie Blake, Alex Lynn, Myra Beasley
- We'll Understand It Better / I'll Fly Away / When We All Get to Heaven (Live) [feat. Chresten Tomlin
- Just a Closer Walk with Thee (Live) [feat. Ken Harris
- Band Introduction (Live)
- Friendship with Jesus (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn, Charlie Blake, Chresten Tomlin, Myra Beasley
- You're Still Lord (Live) [feat. Charlie Blake
- Altar Call (Live) [feat. Stephanie Condon Hearnsberger
- No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus (Live) [feat. Charlie Blake]
- His Hand in Mine (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn
- Born Again (Live) [feat. Randy Lynn, Ken Harris, Ken Harris, Alex Lynn
- Pass Me Not (Live)
- Andrae Crouch Tribute (Live)
- The Blood (Live) [feat. Ken Harris, Randy Lynn, Charlie Blake