You were born in the city
But that was not home
You were made for the country
And dusty dirt roads
You longed for the places
Where wild flowers grow
Even when you were little
You knew there was more
To life than just living
It was there in your core
You heard about Jesus
And knew He was yours
- You took His hand
- And you didn't let go
- You let Him take you
- Down the hardest road
- It wasn't easy
- But you never said 'No'
- You took His hand
- And you didn't let go
When you went off to college
You were the one
Who went to the parties
But stuck to your guns
And walked your friends home
After they had too much
You were pretty and blue-eyed
But all the boys knew
There were lines in the sand
They could not cross with you
And it made some nights lonely
But you made it through
Some called you stubborn
Feisty and hard
But you were driven
To live out what was there in your heart
And sometimes your decisions meant
You had to stand alone
But when it came to loving
It was there in your bones
So that day on the river
When that young girl slipped
You reached out and grabbed her
And held to her wrist
As you lost to the current
You never loosened your grip
- You took her hand
- And you didn't let go
- You let her take you
- Down the hardest road
- Though it wasn't easy
- You never said 'no'
- You took her hand
- And you didn't let go
- You took her hand
- And you didn't let go