Oh Lord our Lord
How majestic is Your name
The hosts of heaven
Lift their songs of praise, to You
Oh Lord our Lord
Your Holy throne it thunders with worship
As the angels sing
Worthy is Your n-ame
O-h whoah
But I-I want to sing
Louder than the ang-els, oh yes
An ocean of praise, I will br-ing (I will bring), to You whoah
And I-I want to sing
Louder than the ang-els, yes I do
A thousand songs of praise, I will
Oh Lord our Lord
How majestic is Your name
The reason why I sing
The angels l-ong to know
Oh Lord our Lord
Redeeming love has captured me
And made my life declare
The glories of Your n-ame
O-h yeah
(Oh Lord our Lord)
I will s-ing
(I will sing, I will sing to You)
A thousand songs, I will s-ing
And I-I want to sing
Louder than the ang-els, yes I do
An o-cean of praise, I will br-ing (I will bring), to You yeah
I-I want to sing
Louder than the ang-els, oh yes
An o-cean of praise, I will br-ing (I will bring), to You yeah
I-I want to sing
Louder than the ang-els, yes I do
A thousand songs of praise, I will
(I will sing, I will sing, to You)
Oh louder than the angels
(I will sing, I will sing, to You)
Oh louder than the angels
(I will sing, I will sing, to You)
Louder than the ang-els