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Video Game Covers, Vol. 5
Artist: Husky by the Geek- Title Theme (From "Mega Man 3")
- Title Theme (From
- eScape - Omega (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood")
- The Brave New Stage of History (From
- Insatiable - Dungeon Boss Theme (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")
- Those Who Fight (From
- The Twinning - A Long Fall (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")
- Opening Stage (From
- The Brave New Stage of History (From "Soulcalibur VI")
- Wave of Darkness (From
- Those Who Fight (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Gym Leader Battle / Pok?mon Theme (From
- High Treason (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")
- Dark World (From
- Opening Stage (From "Mega Man X")
- Boss Battle A (From
- Seiryu - From the Dragon's Wake (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood")
- The Mandalorian Theme (From
- Wave of Darkness (From "Kingdom Hearts 2.8")
- Spark of Blue - Zinogre (From
- Gym Leader Battle / Pok?mon Theme (From "Pok?mon: Sword and Shield")
- Main Theme (From
- Shiva Eden - Return to Oblivion (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")
- Dark World (From "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past")
- Boss Battle A (From "Final Fantasy I")
- The Mandalorian Theme (From "The Mandalorian")
- Suzaku - Sunrise (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood")
- Spark of Blue - Zinogre (From "Monster Hunter World: Iceborne")
- Main Theme (From "Apex Legends")
- More Than Truth / The Maker's Ruin / Heartless (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")
- Amaurot - Mortal Instants (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")