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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
Humanz (Deluxe)
Artist: Gorillaz- Intro: I Switched My Robot Off
- Ascension (feat. Vince Staples)
- Strobelite (feat. Peven Everett)
- Saturnz Barz (feat. Popcaan)
- Momentz (feat. De La Soul)
- Interlude: The Non-Conformist Oath
- Submission (feat. Danny Brown
- Charger (feat. Grace Jones)
- Interlude: Elevator Going Up
- Andromeda (feat. DRAM)
- Busted and Blue
- Interlude: Talk Radio
- Carnival (feat. Anthony Hamilton)
- Let Me Out (feat. Mavis Staples
- Interlude: Penthouse
- Sex Murder Party (feat. Jamie Principle
- She's My Collar (feat. Kali Uchis)
- Interlude: The Elephant
- Hallelujah Money (feat. Benjamin Clementine)
- We Got the Power (feat. Jehnny Beth)