"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"
by George JonesAlbum: The Gospel Collection: George Jones Sings The Grea
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The Gospel Collection: George Jones Sings The Grea
Artist: George Jones- Amazing Grace
- It Is No Secret
- Just A Little Talk With Jesus
- Where We'll Never Grow Old
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
- Why Me Lord?
- I'll Fly Away
- Precious Memories
- Just A Closer Walk With Thee
- In The Garden
- Lonesome Valley
- When Mama Sang (The Angels Stopped To Listen)
- Peace In The Valley
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus
- Softly And Tenderly
- Lily Of The Valley
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
- Family Bible
- Mansion Over The Hilltop