It's In You
Freddy Rodriguez, Doug Engquist and Laurie Engquist
? 2007 Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP and Integrity's Praise! Music/BMI
Joy unspeakable and love desirable
And peace available
It's in You it's in You
You're undeniable and so incredible
Your grace is immeasurable
It's in You it's in You
It's in You Jesus all I want is You
It's in You
You're all I've ever asked for
It's in You Jesus all I want is You
All I want and all I'll ever need
Is in You
Supernatural indescribable
So wonderful my miracle
Everything I need I do believe
That You have for me
It's all in You Jesus it's all in You
It's all in You Jesus
All I need is You