Unsure of where to g-o
Unsure of where I've b-een
I just wanna leave this, life, behind
I never have the time
I never w-anna be
Never want to be with, Y-ou alone
I look toward the sky
He whisp-ers in, my ear
Be still and know
Be still a-nd know
Be still and know
Be still a-nd know
So fed up with this l-ife
I'm always asking wh-y
Why things turned out the way they did
But all He wants is m-e
He wants to set me fr-ee
Free from the bondage, of my sin
I look toward the sk-y
He whispers in, my ear
Be still and know
Be still a-nd know
He makes the wars cease
To the ends of the E-arth
He breaks the bow, and shatters the spear
He burns the shields with f-ire
Be still and know
Be still a-nd know
(He's God)