Album Tracks
Peace In The Valley - The Complete Gospel Recordin
Artist: Elvis Presley
  1. So High
  2. I
  3. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
  4. Amazing Grace
  5. In My Father's House
  6. (There
  7. Sing You Children
  8. Swing Down Sweet Chariot
  9. Show Me Thy Ways, O Lord
  10. In My Father
  11. If The Lord Wasn
  12. Seeing Is Believing
  13. Reach Out to Jesus
  14. He
  15. Where No One Stands Alone
  16. Help Me (Live Version)
  17. By and By
  18. I, John
  19. How Great Thou Art (Live Version)
  20. Crying In the Chapel
  21. Gospel Medley (Live)
  22. You Better Run
  23. I Shall Not Be Moved
  24. Farther Along
  25. An Evening Prayer
  26. Lead Me, Guide Me
  27. Only Believe
  28. Let Us Pray
  29. Why Me Lord (Live Version)
  30. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus/Nearer My God To Thee
  31. I Asked the Lord (Alternate Take)
  32. Life
  33. We Call On Him
  34. Oh How I Love Jesus
  35. I Just Can
  36. I Got a Feelin
  37. I Hear A Sweet Voice Calling
  38. Without Him
  39. Run On
  40. Blessed Jesus (Hold My Hand)
  41. Bosom of Abraham
  42. He Knows Just What I Need
  43. Down By The Riverside
  44. When the Saints Go Marching In
  45. Softly And Tenderly
  46. You
  47. Oh Happy Day (Rehearsal)
  48. He Touched Me
  49. Miracle of the Rosary
  50. If That Isn
  51. Put Your Hand In the Hand
  52. I Believe
  53. Milky White Way
  54. On The Jericho Road
  55. Stand By Me
  56. His Hand in Mine
  57. There Is No God But God
  58. In the Garden
  59. Joshua Fit the Battle
  60. Jesus Walked That Lonesome Valley
  61. Working on the Building
  62. He Is My Everything
  63. I Believe in the Man in the Sky
  64. Who Am I?
  65. A Thing Called Love
  66. Help Me
  67. Farther Along (Rehearsal)
  68. Hide Thou Me
  69. Somebody Bigger Than You and I
  70. It Is No Secret (What God Can Do)
  71. When The Saints Go Marchin
  72. The Lord
  73. Take My Hand, Precious Lord
  74. Just A Little Talk With Jesus
  75. How Great Thou Art
  76. Known Only to Him
  77. If We Never Meet Again
  78. Mansion over the Hilltop
  79. Down By the Riverside / When the Saints Go Marching In
  80. Where Could I Go But to the Lord
Song Lyrics

"Down By the Riverside / When the Saints Go Marching In"

by Elvis Presley
Album: Peace In The Valley - The Complete Gospel Recordin

Lyrics is not yet available.

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Peace In The Valley - The Complete Gospel Recordin
Artist: Elvis Presley
  1. So High
  2. I
  3. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
  4. Amazing Grace
  5. In My Father's House
  6. (There
  7. Sing You Children
  8. Swing Down Sweet Chariot
  9. Show Me Thy Ways, O Lord
  10. In My Father
  11. If The Lord Wasn
  12. Seeing Is Believing
  13. Reach Out to Jesus
  14. He
  15. Where No One Stands Alone
  16. Help Me (Live Version)
  17. By and By
  18. I, John
  19. How Great Thou Art (Live Version)
  20. Crying In the Chapel
  21. Gospel Medley (Live)
  22. You Better Run
  23. I Shall Not Be Moved
  24. Farther Along
  25. An Evening Prayer
  26. Lead Me, Guide Me
  27. Only Believe
  28. Let Us Pray
  29. Why Me Lord (Live Version)
  30. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus/Nearer My God To Thee
  31. I Asked the Lord (Alternate Take)
  32. Life
  33. We Call On Him
  34. Oh How I Love Jesus
  35. I Just Can
  36. I Got a Feelin
  37. I Hear A Sweet Voice Calling
  38. Without Him
  39. Run On
  40. Blessed Jesus (Hold My Hand)
  41. Bosom of Abraham
  42. He Knows Just What I Need
  43. Down By The Riverside
  44. When the Saints Go Marching In
  45. Softly And Tenderly
  46. You
  47. Oh Happy Day (Rehearsal)
  48. He Touched Me
  49. Miracle of the Rosary
  50. If That Isn
  51. Put Your Hand In the Hand
  52. I Believe
  53. Milky White Way
  54. On The Jericho Road
  55. Stand By Me
  56. His Hand in Mine
  57. There Is No God But God
  58. In the Garden
  59. Joshua Fit the Battle
  60. Jesus Walked That Lonesome Valley
  61. Working on the Building
  62. He Is My Everything
  63. I Believe in the Man in the Sky
  64. Who Am I?
  65. A Thing Called Love
  66. Help Me
  67. Farther Along (Rehearsal)
  68. Hide Thou Me
  69. Somebody Bigger Than You and I
  70. It Is No Secret (What God Can Do)
  71. When The Saints Go Marchin
  72. The Lord
  73. Take My Hand, Precious Lord
  74. Just A Little Talk With Jesus
  75. How Great Thou Art
  76. Known Only to Him
  77. If We Never Meet Again
  78. Mansion over the Hilltop
  79. Down By the Riverside / When the Saints Go Marching In
  80. Where Could I Go But to the Lord
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