Song Lyrics

"Cord of Three Strands acoustic"

by Dawson Cowals
Album: Looking Up At The Same Star

From the very first moment I saw
Your beautiful smile I knew,
My armor was flawed
For the arrow you shot found a chink,
Deep enough to sink
To the fletching inside of my heart

From the very first moment I prayed
That God would confirm to me
The provision he made
When he brought me you as my helper
For we're better together
Knit in hearts, minds and souls

For I know
With you by my side
And Christ at the center of our lives
We'll form an unbreakable
Cord of three strands

For two are better than one
If one falls down the other one
Picks him up
So if you'll become my wife
I'll promise you I will be yours
For the rest of our lives

How do I love thee' Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach
I love thee to the level of everyday's most quiet need
I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears of all my life

Then between God, me and you
There's nothing that we cannot do
We'll form an unbreakable
Cord of three strands

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, excerpt from "How Do I Love Thee'" Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Copyright ' 2008 Dawson Cowals.

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