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"To The Glory Of God" by David Meece - Learning To Trust
Song Lyrics

"To The Glory Of God"

by David Meece
Album: Learning To Trust

For awhile it was fine, hearing the roar of the crowd,
For awhile it was mine, flying up over the clouds,
But then the sun melted my wings, now I'm on my knees.

To the glory of God,
Next time I fly it will be to the glory of God,
I want my life just to be to the glory of God.

And once I used to ride off to war,
There was glory to win, thought I knew what it was for,
But most of the battles were mine; and now so is the pain.

To the glory of God
Next time I fight it will be to the glory of God,
I want my life just to be to the glory of God,
To be to the glory of God.

They say the man that finds his life will lose it, and mine was slipping away,
But, oh, the man that has the faith to lose it will find that his life is saved.

To the glory of God,
Next time I fly it will be to the glory of God,
I want my whole life to be to the glory of God,
Next time I fight it will be to the glory of God,
I want my whole life to be to the glory of God,
Next time I fly it will be to the glory of God,

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