Song Lyrics

"Turn To Me"

by Daniel Markoya
Album: Sound The Trumpet

Come unto Me you who are weak (Matt 11:28, IS 55:6,7)
And I will give you rest (Heb. 4:1-3)
You who are burdened down by sin (Ro. 3:23, John 8:34)
I can free you from within (John 8:36, 32, Ro 6:7)

I am Truth, I am Life,
I'm the Way to freedom (John 14:6)
Freedom from sin, guilt and shame (Gal. 5:13)
I'm the Vine you're the branches (John 15:5)
Apart from Me you'll die (John 15:2-6)
Turn to Me and I will give you Life (Is. 55:7)

Return to Me unfaithful ones (Jer. 3:22)
And regain your first love (Rev. 2:4,5)
Break up your fallow ground (Jer. 4:3,4)
And do not sow among thorns (Matt 13:22, Matt 6:25-27, Matt. 6:24, 1 Tim 6:9-12)

I am Truth, I am Life, (John 1:17, John 11:25)
I'm the way to freedom (Heb. 10:20, Heb. 2:18, Heb 3:1)
Freedom from sin, guilt and shame (Is. 1:18, Is. 54:4-8)
I'm the Vine you're the branches (John 15:5, Ro. 6:5, John 11:25)
Apart from Me you'll die (John 15:2-6, Ro. 11:22)
Turn to Me and I will give you Life (Jer. 3:22, Jer. 17:7,8)

Trust in Me with all your heart (Matt. 22:37)
Lean not your own way (Prov. 3:5,6, Is. 55:8)
Put your faith in Me completely (2 Sam. 22:31, PS. 31:23,24)
If you love Me you'll obey (John 15:10;14;17, John 14:15, 1 John 2:3-6)

I am Truth, I am Life, I'm the way to freedom (John 10:7, Heb. 3:1;7:26-28;5:9)
Freedom from sin, guilt and shame (Heb. 10:19-23)
I'm the Vine you're the branches, Apart from Me you'll die (2 John 9)
Turn to Me and I will give you Life (Jer. 17:5,7-8)
Turn to Me and I will give you Life (Jer 15:19, 1 John 2:26-27)
Turn to Me and I will give you Life (John 6:40)

My son, do not make light
of the Lord's discipline
do not lose heart when He reproves you.
Because He corrects those He loves
and He chastens all who are sons,
My son. (Heb. 12:1-13, Prov. 3:11,12, Prov. 3:5,6)

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