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Album Tracks
Artist: Christopher Walker- Invitatory (Morning) Advent Week 1
- Come, Lord Jesus
- Let Us Go Rejoicing
- God of Hosts, Bring Us Back
- Reading-Job 19 23-27
- O Christ for All Ages
- Benedictus Advent Week 1
- Intercessions (Morning, Advent) Week 1
- Lord's Prayer Advent Week 1
- Blessing (Morning) Advent Week 1
- Invitatory (Evening) Advent Week 1
- Creator of the Stars of Night
- How Precious, O Lord
- Lead Me in Your Truth
- Reading-1 Corinthians 1 4-8
- O Wisdom
- Magnificat Advent Week 1
- Intercessions (Evening, Advent) Week 1
- The Lord's Prayer Advent Week 1
- Blessing (Evening) Advent Week 1
- Invitatory (Morning) Advent Week 2
- Comfort, Comfort, O My People
- My Soul is Thirsting
- The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us
- Reading-Isaiah 40 3-5
- O Adonai
- Benedictus Advent Week 2
- Intercessions (Morning, Advent) Week 2
- Lord's Prayer Advent Week 2
- Blessing (Morning) Advent Week 2
- Invitatory (Evening) Advent Week 2
- God of Mystery, God of Mercy
- I Cry to the Lord
- Let My Prayer Rise
- Reading-1 Corinthians 4 5
- O Key of David
- Magnificat Advent Week 2
- Intercessions (Evening, Advent) Week 2
- The Lord's Prayer Advent Week 2
- Blessing (Evening) Advent Week 2
- Invitatory (Morning) Advent Week 3
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
- Come, O God of Our Salvation
- Justice Will Flourish
- Reading-Isaiah 11 1-4a
- O Root of Jesse
- Benedictus Advent Week 3
- Intercessions (Morning, Advent) Advent Week 3
- Lord's Prayer Advent Week 3
- Blessing (Morning) Advent Week 3
- Invitatory (Evening) Advent Week 3
- There is a Longing
- Happy Are Those
- Hear My Prayer
- Reading-1 Thessalonians 5 16-24
- O Radiant Dawn
- Magnificat Advent Week 3
- Intercessions (Evening, Advent) Advent Week 3
- The Lord's Prayer Advent Week 3
- Blessing (Evening) Advent Week 3
- Invitatory (Morning) Advent Week 4
- Out of Darkness
- God's Help Comes When the Morning Dawns
- Let the Lord Enter
- Reading-Isaiah 45 5-6 8
- O Christ, King of All Nations
- Benedictus Advent Week 4
- Intercessions (Morning, Advent) Advent Week 4
- Lord's Prayer Advent Week 4
- Blessing (Morning) Advent Week 4
- Invitatory (Evening) Advent Week 4
- O Holy Mary
- For Ever Will I Sing
- Rest in God
- Reading-James 5 7-8
- O Emmanuel
- Magnificat Advent Week 4
- Intercessions (Evening, Advent) Advent Week 4
- The Lord's Prayer Advent Week 4
- Blessing (Evening) Advent Week 4
- Invitatory (Morning) Christmas
- Joy to the World
- You, O Lord, Are Most High
- Give Joyful Thanks
- Reading-2 Peter 1 16-19
- O Christ, The Morning Star
- Benedictus Christmas
- Intercessions (Morning, Christmas)
- Lord's Prayer Christmas
- Blessing (Morning) Christmas
- Invitatory (Evening) Christmas
- Of the Father's Love Begotten
- Blessed Be the Name
- Blessed Be the God and Father
- Reading-Hebrews 1 1-4
- O Word of God
- Magnificat Christmas
- Intercessions (Evening, Christmas)
- The Lord's Prayer Christmas
- Blessing (Evening) Christmas
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