John 3:16; Ps. 94:18-19; Ps. 56:3; I John 4:18
Geoff Thurman, Marie Reynolds
Sometimes I think too much
As if my thoughts could touch the future
And control what's going on
If I had seized your mind
And saw what You've designed
I'd have it figured out before too long
There would be nothing that I could not understand
Yeah, but sometimes life is better left in bigger hands
All I need to know is that you love me with a passion
That will never change
All I need to know is I can trust You and
I don't ever have to be afraid
That's when I let go
That's all I need to know
Surrender is so hard
I wish I held the cards
I'm like the child that doesn't want to wait
Perceive your point of view
Then I'm sure I could chosse my destiny
My future or my fate
There would be nothing that I did not understand
But sometimes life is better left in bigger hands
I'm slow to turn it over and quick to question why
When will I realize your ways are not like mine