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![Live From Toronto (Live) Album Artwork](
Live From Toronto (Live)
Artist: Bill- Bread Upon The Water (Live) [feat. Gaither Vocal Band]
- Some Things Never Change (Live) [feat. Mark Lowry]
- You're My Best Friend (Live) [feat. Jeff
- When I Get Carried Away (Live) [feat. Ivan Parker]
- Jerusalem (Live) [feat. The Hoppers]
- Favorite Song Of All (Live) [feat. Larry Ford]
- He Saw It All (Live) [feat. The Booth Brothers]
- Sheltered In The Arms Of God (Live) [feat. Ben Speer]
- Trumpet Of Jesus (Live) [feat. Russ Taff]
- Walk With Me, Lord (Live) [feat. Lynda Randle]
- Shout To The Lord/Rhapsody In Blue (Medley / Live) [feat. Anthony Burger]
- Great Is Thy Reward/Orange Blossom Special (Medley / Live) [feat. The Isaacs]
- Healer In The House (Live) [feat. Joy Gardner]
- This Could Be The Dawning Of That Day / Until Then (Live) [feat. Ernie Haase
- Sanctuary (Live) [feat. Jessy Dixon]
- I'll Tell It Wherever I Go (Live) [feat. Gaither Vocal Band]
- Why Me (Live) [feat. Gaither Vocal Band]
- I Bowed On My Knees (Live) [feat. Michael English