"Down To The River To Pray (Feat. Janet Paschal, Sonya Isaacs Yeary, Karen Peck, Tanya Goodman Sykes,"
by BillAlbum: Tent Revival Homecoming
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Tent Revival Homecoming
Artist: Bill- Yes, I Know (Feat. Ivan Parker, Terry Blackwood, Becky Isaacs Bowman, Ta Randa Greene, Shane McConne
- When The Saints Go Marching In (Feat. Ivan Parker)
- Jesus Hold My Hand (Feat. Ta Randa Greene)
- I Stand Amazed (Feat. Ta Randa Greene, David Phelps)
- Down To The River To Pray (Feat. Janet Paschal, Sonya Isaacs Yeary, Karen Peck, Tanya Goodman Sykes,
- Lead Me To That Rock (Live)
- Take My Hand, Precious Lord (Feat. Angela Primm, Jason Crabb)
- I Don
- The Ninety And Nine (Feat. The Nelons)
- The Love Of God (Live)
- Jesus Whispers Peace (Feat. Cliff Barrows)
- More Than Ever (Live)
- Daddy Sang Bass (Live)
- Bosom Of Abraham (Live)
- In The Sweet By And By (Live)
- I
- This Is Just What Heaven Means To Me (Feat. Becky Isaacs Bowman, Charlotte Ritchie)
- Lord, I
- I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary (Live)
- He