Song Lyrics

"Bigger Than Love"

by Big Tent Revival
Album: The Way Back Home

There's a little black velvet box on the coffee table And a little bitty diamond on top of a little gold band There's a daddy who'll lose a daughter unless he's able to talk some sense into that skinny young man He said "Son, this here's the truth, if you will take it When the rent comes due y'all just won't have enough" And the boy said, "Sir, I know that we will make it 'Cause we're counting on something bigger than love"

Bigger than love is the love of God It's a love that defies the odds Bigger than the love of men It's a love that never ends I don't know what the future holds But I know Who holds it close We're counting on something bigger than love

There's a little pink diaper lying on the coffee table And a little bitty baby-bump on a pretty young mom Daddy says, "We're so happy for you, angel But how will y'all get by on just one job'" She said, " I believe God led us to get married That's not to say the road has not been rough But through it all, I know that we were carried in the arms of One bigger than love

And the time went by and how it flew Somehow they always made it through Giving God the glory all the way Their baby girl, so sweet and dear She grew more and more each year Until that long-expected fateful day
There was a little black velvet box on the coffee table A little smile and a wink from grandpa said enough The daddy said, "Son I'm willing if you're able to lead my daughter with a love, bigger than love

He will pull us through when times get tough If you're counting on something bigger than love If you're counting on something bigger than love

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