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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
![Anand Antar Chhai Rahyo Album Artwork](
Anand Antar Chhai Rahyo
Artist: Baps Swaminarayan Sanstha- Mangalacharan
- Karie Swagatam
- Gondaldhamma Ne Akshardhamma
- Khonkharo Karine Aneri Ritathi
- Bhagavi Paagh Ne Hathma Mala
- Vanima Vasali Vagi Yogi Tari
- Swamini Senama Aavajo Re
- Haiyana Het Na Bhulay Yogi Tara
- Sagar Mahi Shashine Nihali
- Aksharpurushottam Maharaj Snan Shloko
- E Trajave Betha Pramukhji
- Mune Maliya Harivar Dhanya Ghadi
- Kesariyo Rang Ude Amare Anganiye