Where is that faith that used to dance upon the raging sea
That fought a giant with just a stone and sent him to his knees
The kind of faith that thought a mountain was a mustard seed
That prayed for rain and didn't move until the clouds took heed
Why did I sink and try to swim'
Why did I let the giant win'
Why are the mountains closing in'
If I'm still on the road why do I feel like I'm lost again'
Oh God, hear my cry
Keep leading me even when faith doesn't turn to sight
Oh God, help me out
Keep leading me even in shadows of my doubt
Where is that grace that used to pick up beggars off the street
That wasn't scared to soil its hands to wash a sinner's feet
The kind of grace that took a hit and turned the other cheek
That loved with deeds not just with words cause talk alone is cheap
Why did I let the beggar die'
Why did I hang my towel to dry'
Why am I scared to black my eye'
If I'm still on the road why do I feel like I passed it by'
Oh God, take me back
Keep leading me even when my feet fall off track
Oh God, take me in
Here in your arms I know I'll