"Exaposteilarion for Dormition: Apostles Assembled (Kievan Caves Chant)"
by Archangel VoicesAlbum: Panagia: Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
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Panagia: Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
Artist: Archangel Voices- It Is Truly Fitting (Arr. of Bulgarian Chant)
- O Most Holy Theotokos
- Open Unto Us the Doors
- Virgin Theotokos, Rejoice
- General Canon to the Theotokos: Odes, 1, 3, 6, 9
- My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord
- Praises: Nativity of the Theotokos, Sticheron 1 (Model Melody)
- Praises: Nativity of the Theotokos, Sticheron 2 (Model Melody)
- Praises: Nativity of the Theotokos, Sticheron 3 (Model Melody)
- Praises: Entrance of the Theotokos, Tone 1 (Model Melody)
- Communion Hymn: I Will Receive the Cup of Salvation
- Verses of the 9th Ode for the Presentation of the Lord (Arr. from Traditional Byzantine Melody)
- Troparion Annunciation (Today Is the Beginning)
- Magnification for the Annunciation (With the Voice)
- Exaposteilarion for the Annunciation (The Mystery of God)
- O Victorious Leader (Arr. of Kievan Chant)
- Akathist Hymn, Ikos 1 and Kontakion (Traditional Melody)
- Awed By the Beauty (Arr. of Byzantine Chant)
- All of Creation
- The Angel Cried (Arr. of Russian "Greek" Chant)
- Rejoice, O Queen (Pentecost) [Arr. of Znamenny Chant]
- Lord, I Have Cried: Dormition Stichera Tone 1 (Model Melody)
- Exaposteilarion for Dormition: Apostles Assembled (Kievan Caves Chant)
- Exaposteilarion for Dormition: Apostles Assembled (Arr. of Kievan Caves Chant)
- Beneath Your Compassion
- My Queen Most Blessed
- I Have Thee as a Fountain (From the Paraklesis Canon)
- We Have No Other Help
- O Vineyard, Fair and New (Traditional Georgian Hymn)
- We Learn from the Angel (Arr. Galician Carol)