Jaago logo mat suwo naa karo neend se pyaar
Jaise sapnaa rain kaa aisaa yeh sansaar
Satya naam kaa sumiran karle kal jaane kyaa hoye
Jaag jaag nar nij aatmaa mein kaahe birthaa soye
Jo til maahi tel hai jo chakmak mein aag
Teraa Sai tujhmein hai jaag sake to jaag
Neend nishaani maut ki ut Kabira jaag
Aur rasiyn chaadike naam rasiyn laag
(Awake oh people, do not love sleep
For this world is like a dream in the night
Remember the True Name, for you cannot know what tomorrow holds
Awake my soul; why sleep in vain'
Like oil from the sesame seed, like fire from two stones
So God reveals himself in you; awake if you can, awake
The mark of death is sleep; rise up my soul, awake
Leaving all your pleasures, take delight in Him
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your water fall
Wake me in the dawn to sing your praise
Sweep over me like a flood, Lord
Wake me from my slumber; wake me, wake me from my slumber)